Manufacturer of raw materials for various types of polyurethane foams.

About Farabin Farayand Sharif

Who are we

Farabin Process Sharif, a knowledge-based company, was established with the collaboration of faculty members from Sharif University of Technology and experienced managers from large industries. The company aims to localize and domestically produce raw materials for the polyurethane industry. The company’s human resources consist of young graduates from the top universities in the country, particularly Sharif University of Technology. These young, creative, and highly intelligent specialists in market research and product development, combined with the experience and knowledge of academic and industrial veterans, form the core of the company and have created the FORMAX brand.

Our values

Competitive price

We guarantee to offer you the best price at the quality level you want. We emphasize again that your quality level will bring satisfaction to your customers.

Competitive quality

We are committed to provide the best product quality for smooth production and obtaining quality products for your customers in a way that is even equal to foreign products.

Your exclusive formula

For each customer, we prepare and produce a special formula suitable for the devices, molds and requirements of his production line. We are not traders and we have the knowledge to change the formulas and customize it according to your conditions.

Customer support

After selling the new product, the main part of our commitment to you begins. Our experts will be by your side every day in all stages of production so that you can work in peace. We are available 24 hours a day to respond to your product line’s needs and problems through the contact number announced in the communication section.


What sets us apart?

Competitive Pricing

We guarantee the best competitive prices at the quality level of our products, even against foreign competitors!

Automaker Approval

One of our key distinctions is the approval from three prominent automakers in the country.

Knowledge-Based Company

The only knowledge-based company in the country specializing in automotive seat foam.

Approval of car manufacturers

One of the most important aspects of our distinction is the approval of 3 prominent car manufacturers of the country

Superior Quality

24-Hour Support: We provide 24-hour support through the contact number listed in the "Contact Us" section to meet your production line's needs and address any issues.

Exclusive Formula

FORMAX can create a customized formula for you, tailored to your production lines, machinery, and molds.

our team

our customers

Some of the most important companies we are proud to work with

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